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  8. Reporter : Stella Maris    27 Januari 2018 19:00

    Menolak topeng monyet

    Ada juga yang meminta Joan sebagai fotografer melakukan aksi lain, bukan hanya sekadar mengabadikan foto itu, lalu pergi begitu saja.

    jibgurl420: How bout you sell that camera so you can buy those monkeys. You are trying to make money off then just like the people that make them dance.

    joandelamalla: @jibgurl420 it’s not about buying them. I can easily buy them without selling my camera, they are very cheap. But if i buy them, more of them will be captured in the nature to be sold. Buying them you only make grow the problem. This is not the solution. My pictures are used by the right organizations to create political an social pressure to ban this activity. I join a lot of conservation projects, and, believe me, to buy the monkeys is not the solution at all. By the way, it’s a bit unfair to compare that my work is the same as the monkey trainers. In some way is like saying thet people working for ngo don’t deserve a fair salary because they want to help people. In my humble opinion, when the people is well paid in these organization they can do a better work and they become more useful and productive. By the way, thanks for commenting and for worry for the monkeys.

    Warganet lain juga mengaku geram melihat orang yang diduga tega menyiksa monyet itu. Kondisi itu ternyata membuat warganet membuat keputusan:

    lwin_djenar: Apakah ada yg berwenang untuk melarang topeng monyet di Indonesia? Thanks for sharing @joandelamalla I'm so sorry to see it

    ardlini_k: this is why we shouldn't watching "topeng monyet" on the street. I hope "topeng monyet" didn't exist anymore in indonesia

    ariapra2: that a reason i don't like topeng monyet a.k.a mongkey mask , they animal not a robot to make a money

    kumalamd: Ini alasan diriku kalo ada topeng monyet makanya gamau ngasih uang ke para iblis yg mainin musik & ngasihin properti ke monyet nya. Karna mereka kan yg udah nyiksa pas lg para monyet itu dilatih sampe bisa nurut dikasih properti apapun. Mending kasih makanan ke monyet nya langsung kalo ada topeng monyet, seenggak nya kasih pisang aja, drpd kasih uang ke para iblis itu.