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  8. Reporter : Anisha    18 Juli 2016 16:43

    Ketombe? Hilangkan dengan Cepat Menggunakan Lemon

    Lemon itu memang kecil, tapi kegunaannya luar biasa.

    Feed.merdeka.com - Siapa di antara Anda yang memiliki masalah ketombe? Ya, ketombe memang masih menjadi masalah utama rambut. Berbagai cara dilakukan untuk mengusir ketombe, seperti menggunakan sampo anti-dandruf.

    Namun, penggunaan sampo kurang efektif menuntaskan masalah rambut tersebut. Lalu bagaimana cara efektif agar ketombe tak datang lagi? Halbin Kochar, seorang blogger rambut, menguggah video bagaimana mengusir ketombe agar tak datang lagi. Melalui akun Instagramnya, ia memaparkan cara mengusir ketombe.

    Anda hanya perlu satu buah lemon segar, kemudian potong menjadi dua bagian. Lalu terapkan pada kulit kepala. Setelah itu, tunggu selama sekitar 5-10 menit. Lalu, bilas menggunakan air dingin. Untuk lebih jelasnya, intip video berikut.



    Dandruff hair? 😱 No problem.. 😉 Get rid of dry scalp dandruff with Lemon 🍋
Dandruff is caused when the scalp’s epidermal layer is excessively replaced with a new layer, it is a fungal infection.The out layer appears as flaky dead cells. 🔶 Method: 🔸 Cut 1 ripe lemon into two halves and apply the juice directly on the scalp and message! Alternativ: (you can mix one to two tablespoons of lemon juice in a cup of water) 🔸 Let it sit for 5 – 10 minutes. 🔸Rinse your hair with cool water. 🔸 Repeat regularly to reduce dandruff. 🔸 You have to do this more than once to get the result. 🔷 Lemon is effective natural REMEDY for dandruff because: 🔹It has vitamin C and citric acid that fights against the dandruff. Citric acid helps in reducing the dandruff 🔹It moisturizes the scalp and shed away dead skin cells. 🔹It removes the stickiness on the scalp. 🔹The acidic property of lemon balances the scalp’s pH level ❌ Don't go in the sun with it because it will lighten your hair and If you are sensitiv for Lemon, you can replace it with dilute Apple cider vinegar! 🍏 Any question? Comment below 👇🏻 🎶 Song: Selena Gomes - Màs (more - spanish version ) ---------------------------------- استخدام الليمون انه لامر جيد للشعر قشرة الرأس ----------------------------------- Silav hevalan, rekeka sirushti jibu nemana toshka anku kevishkê hishk. Toshka/Kevishk infeksiyoneka, ku zorbey shampo dihene bikarinan dji vê infeksiyone. Bi rekeka siroshti ji mirov dishet ji ve arisha nexush u neciwan xilasbit, ewji bikarinana leymun ê. 🍋 Lemon "leymun" ya tejia ji Vitamin-C u bi tirshatiya xu (citric acid) "kevishki/toshka" kemdiket ji piste sere mirovi u tirshatia pisti balanse dikete ve anku drst diket. 🔶 Bi ve reke bikar bine: 🔸 1 Leymun bike 2 ker u ava we li piste sere xu u pircê bide weku ez diyar dikem yan tu dishey 1-2 kevciket ava leymone bikeye nav glasseke ave u bikar bini. 🔸 Bihele peve bu mawê 5-10 xoleka 🔸 Dumahikê bi ava tezi bi shampoyê bishu! 🔸 Tu dishey heftiye 3-4 cara webkei heta ku kevishk/toshka neminit. ❌ Hishyarbe dema ava mimokê bi pircê teve, neche ber hetavê u eger te hesasi bi Leymon ê hebit tu dishey ava sêva peshve bikar bini! 🍏 Her psyara we hebit li xarê komment bike👇🏻

    A video posted by 🌸 Halbin Kochar هلبين كوچه ر (@halbin) on

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