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  8. Reporter : Anisha    10 Agustus 2016 14:21

    Tips Atasi Rambut Rontok dengan Teh Jambu Biji

    Jambu biji bukan hanya enak dimakan.

    Feed.merdeka.com - Saat menyisir, apakah rambut Anda tertinggal di sisir? Jika ya, itu artinya Anda mengalami rambut rontok. Cobalah atasi masalah ini dengan menggunakan bahan alami macam teh jambu biji.

    Pengobatan alami ini dapat mencegah rambut rontok dan membuat rambut kuat. Farahdhukai, salah satu blogger kecantikan, memberitahu cara yang tepat menggunakan teh jambu biji untuk rambut.

    Anda hanya perlu menyeduh teh tersebut, lalu masukkan ke dalam wadah, kemudian semprotkan pada kulit kepala secara merata sambil memijat kepala. Diamkan semalaman, selanjutnya bilas rambut pada pagi hari. Lakukan cara ini setiap hari untuk hasil yang maksimal.

    Anda pun dapat menyimpannya di lemari es jika ramuan masih tersisa. Teh jambu biji kaya akan vitamin B yang mampu memperkuat rambut. Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat video berikut untuk mengetahui cara tepat membuat rambut tidak rontok lagi.



    👍🏾HOW TO STOP HAIR LOSS!😱 🗣Does your HAIR FALL OUT A LOT? Try this NATURAL treatment out and prevent your hair from falling out and make it stronggggg - no more shedding like a 🐶 All you need is: ✅GUAVA TEA - the main ingredient is GUAVA LEAF 👌🏾Boil water and steep the tea how you would normally steep tea when you drink it (you can drink the left overs or store in the fridge for later use) 👌🏾LET COOL and then Spray onto your scalp and massage it in 👌🏾Let it dry and leave on OVERNIGHT 👌🏾Wash out in morning ❤️Do this REGULARLY and give your hair some love WHY THIS WORKS:🐸☕️ -Guava leaf is LOADED with VITAMIN B which is IMPORTANT for HAIR GROWTH and for making HAIR STRONG -It strengthens your hair directly at the root/follicles and prevents it from falling out -also strengths the follicles to give you THICK and shiny hair -it can also stimulate hair growth -it has NO smell/scent so no complaints from your significant other/cat/pillow case 💸A lot of expensive hair products that you can buy contain vitamin B to make your hair strong/thick/more full - so why not save some $$$ and buy a box of guava tea for $3 and do it yourself! 🔑You can get guava tea from amazon, or any place that sells herbal teas. I got mine from my local AZN supermarket Disclaimer: As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see if your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyone's skin is different, so result can vary from person to person. I can not vouch for any substitute ingredients. This post is provided for information and educational purposes. It is not designed or intended to constitute medical advice. Please discontinue use if your skin does not react well to the regimen.

    A video posted by Farah D (@farahdhukai) on

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